Uniquely Yours, 006: I Am Teachable
Newsflash! I’m a Founder/CEO who doesn’t know the answer to everything! So what’s my secret to my cool-as-a-cucumber demeanor? Well for one thing, I am not afraid to ask questions.
Newsflash! I’m a Founder/CEO who doesn’t know the answer to everything! So what’s my secret to my cool-as-a-cucumber demeanor? Well for one thing, I am not afraid to ask questions.
Dana spent an hour talking to this shiny young unicorn on The Organic Matrix podcast and was consistently engaged and so taken with her depth and insight.
Having the ability to use the imagination to see potential outcomes is an exciting trait but there are pitfalls.
Glen Alex and Dana Sardano discuss components of wellness, individual vs. collective wellness, and Ubuntu, the interconnectedness of humanity.
Did you know that 1 in 5 pregnancies end up in miscarriage? Some women don’t even know that they are pregnant when it happens and some women lose the baby well into their pregnancy. Most silently suffer the loss of their babies. Angela shares her story to stand in solidarity with all angel baby mammas — you are all so brave.
Dana spent an hour interacting with a complete stranger who resides on the other side of the world, and through the magic of openness, authenticity, and a relatively decent internet connection, magic happened.
Do you remember how you felt in your early childhood? Angela takes us on her journey from back when she was most herself, through the trauma and drama of her teens and 20’s, and out the other side, where she is back to feeling that same sweet innocence of her youth yet with the wisdom gained along the way.
Listen to this inspiring conversation between the energetic and lovely Major Daughter with our very own Dana Sardano as they discuss ways on how you too can live your best life!
How Angela learned to break the pattern and not take anyone’s crap anymore, especially those who used to be closest with her.
Welcome to Angela’s new blog! Learn how Pearl Jam helped Angela feel safe after the tragedy in New York City on September 11, 2001.
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