Dana Sardano on the Threads of Enlightenment Podcast

Dana spent an hour interacting with a complete stranger who resides on the other side of the world, and through the magic of openness, authenticity, and a relatively decent internet connection, magic happened.

Dana Sardano appeared on the podcast Threads of Enlightenment with Ken Primus. Not only is Ken a wonderful human being with a voice like velvet, but he also has a deep understanding of human psychology and universal truths and presents them in a fresh out of the box manner that kept Dana intrigued and engaged throughout the entire interview.


During the interview, Dana spent an hour interacting with a complete stranger who resides on the other side of the world, and through the magic of openness, authenticity, and a relatively decent internet connection, magic happened.


Follow Ken’s podcast — you have so much to gain from the experience. https://www.instagram.com/threads.of.enlightenment/


Support this show: https://donate.stripe.com/5kAaG4crsbefesM7ss



For more information about Dana Sardano and her projects, go to: https://www.ubuntufishgallery.com/ and https://finduniquelyu.com/

To get tickets for our upcoming Open House on October 1st, 2022 go to https://finduniquelyu.com/uniquely-u-open-house-the-ultimate-workshop-experience/

To purchase Ten Recommandments for Personal Empowerment in paperback go to https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09YC2CCDB


To find Ten Recommandments for Personal Empowerment as an audiobook, narrated by Dana Sardano herself, go to https://finduniquelyu.com/product/ten-recommandments-for-personal-empowerment-audio-book/




Read the Uniquely U. Launch Press Release. For Uniquely U. press inquiries, contact Paul Muto of Muto Communications via email at paul@mutocomm.com or phone at +1 516-662-5374.


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