Angela DiMarco & Dana Sardano on “The Joe Cozzo Show” Episode 42

Angela DiMarco and Dana Sardano are two visionaries who gave up their careers to develop a fantastic platform called What's more impressive is their incredibly inspiring backstories.

If you really want to get to know the two humans that run Uniquely U. in a VERY intimate way, then please enjoy this episode of The Joe Cozzo Show, where Joe expertly unearths some cringeworthy life experiences (thanks a LOT, Joe! LOL) Kidding aside, Joe is such an incredible, intelligent, passionate person who is officially ‘one of us’! 
To experience any one of the amazing workshops happening on U-Campus, click around our workshops and see what each of our schools has to offer and reserve your seat in a workshop that makes your heart flutter! You really have to be there to understand how magical your life can become just from igniting a tiny spark in your heart!

Learn about Dana’s amazing book: Ten Recommandments for Personal Empowerment

Follow The Joe Cozzo Show on your favorite social media: 

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