$ave Money with Pro Website Planning Tools

U-Instructor: Angela DiMarco, Uniquely U. Co-Founder / Chief Officer of Technology, Operations + Brand

Workshop Description:

Unless you live under a rock, you know that everyone who sells products or services or disseminates content is expected to have a website. Simply put, having a website gives you street cred. What’s worse than not having a website, though, is having a crappy website. What makes a website crappy? Unclear user experience, broken links, pictures that are poor quality, pages with too much (or too little) content, no brand identity, etc.

In this workshop, professional web designer and branding expert Angela DiMarco brings her vast experience of creating websites for everyone from family members to Fortune 500 companies to help you plan your website build properly.

Whether you are starting from scratch, rebuilding, or simply spiffing up your current site, proper planning and organization could help you save thousands of dollars…and your sanity! If you are thinking of hiring a freelancer or a web development company, Angela will teach you how to gather all your assets and wrap them up in a bow to provide them with a clear and concise plan.

In the first session, we will discuss your brand, your website purpose, and where you are in the process. You’ll be expected to complete a homework assignment that evening.

In the second session, which takes place within the same week, we will discuss organization of assets and copy. You will be creating a site map and/or wireframe, and we will review your plans for your website build.

For the third and final session, which takes place one week later, you will be expected to have your homepage completed (if you are building this yourself) or a review of your website architecture pack. Angela will spend 15 minutes or more as time allows with each participant to provide feedback and answer any questions that may have come up during the week.

When Angela designs websites for clients, this pre-planning phase can cost anywhere from $1K-$10K, depending on the size of the project. By taking this workshop and doing the pre-planning yourself, that is money in your pocket and a sure-fire way to have a website that is anything but crappy.

Workshop Details:

School of THRIVElihood

  • Branding 
  • Organization
  • Technology

Duration:hours over 3 weeks

Pricing: $750.00 USD


See the upcoming schedule and purchase your seat:

This workshop is for you if…

  • You need a new or revamped website and want to save time and money.

  • You prefer to be walked through the process and to take advantage of having Angela on hand for real time questions and support.

  • You want to weigh the pros and cons of making your own website versus hiring a developer.

  • You are a website designer who would love to brush up on your planning skills so you can provide a full-service offering (a.k.a. being able to charge more for your hard work!) You’ve rebranded yourself and want to learn how to infuse your brand into your digital footprint.

  • You are a website builder newbie and want support and guidance as you embark on this exciting yet intimidating adventure.
  • Branding
  • Marketing
  • Coaching
  • Technology
  • Transition
  • Employment
  • Career
  • Organization
  • Passion
  • Change

About the School of THRIVElihood

When we think of livelihood, we think about having the means to have our basic necessities of life met. Here at the School of THRIVElihood, we believe that JOY is the most basic necessity of all and Uniquely U. is your coach and champion to help you get more of it in your life! When you are doing things that bring you joy, such as feeling more organized, becoming aware of your unique offering to the world, or pursuing a passion and learning how to make money doing what you love, you attract abundance and freedom. Learn to get paid for your passion and be freed from the shackles of a job that you just can’t bear anymore, or simply gain confidence in your unique skills and level up. Are you ready to pursue a passion and ignite a spark in your life?

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