U-Instructor Tool Shed
Thank you for your interest in becoming a FindUniquelyU.com U-Instructor!
Please watch this informative video before taking the next steps, which are to submit your Letter of Intent (google form) and your U-Syllabus to Dana@FindUniquelyU.com.
If you haven’t yet submitted an application to become a U-Instructor yet, please do so before proceeding with the next steps outlined in this orientation video. Only fully completed applications will be accepted for review.
Next Steps
All steps to be completed in order to proceed with our Ready-Set-Teach! training program.
Step 2:
Fill out your U-Syllabus and email it to Dana@FindUniquelyU.com
Step 3:
Book your Coffee Chat with Dana (she will send you the link to her calendar once you email your U-Syllabus to her.)
U-Syllabus in Detail
To offer some more clarity and direction, Dana Sardano, Co-Founder/Chief Officer of Content + Curriculum, goes into a little more detail on certain sections of the U-Syllabus.
14:51 minutes
How can we help?
If you need anything at all or run into any issues with the platform, please email team@finduniquelyu.com. We are always here to assist in making your experience the best it can be.